June 25, 2023
Hi dearest WOWs,
Thanks to those who were able to attend our 22nd anniversary WOW gala “Let’s Reconnect” event in DC on Sunday, May 28, 2023! It was great to welcome so many WOW first-timers as well as seasoned ‘vets’ to this year’s event and to feel the positive energy and joy of sisterhood in the room. What an honor it was to have Linda Heaney – such a strong WOW inspiration and gracious hostess to our first event in January 2001 – in attendance this year!
Thanks for the incredible generosity of SO many wows who provided cost share to support this year’s attendance of 14 mentees and EducationUSA advisers and allow each to receive our WOW pin as a special gift.
Special gratitude too to this year’s amazing WOW gala volunteers. This event could not have happened without their support:
– WOW 2023 Communications Coordinator: Heidi Gahan
– WOW 2023 photographers: Julie Sinclair and Debbie Hefferon
– WOW 2023 registration sign-in volunteers and greeters: Marie Claude Svaldi, Sledja Ishmakej, Emily Tse, Farah Hussaini, Fareha Abid, Chaitanya Venkateswaran, & Maureen Siboman
Special Alicia Keys performance by WOW mentee Farah Hussaini!
And a huge thank you to these amazing women who have helped build our WOW traditions and strengthen connections over the years:
– WOW website mistress Paula Gomez
– WOW logo designer Nadia Basel, WOW pin designer Sandy Soohoo Refaei, WOW quilt creator Dee Bunge, WOW notecard developer Karen Bauer, and WOW communications developers Jane Dunham, Malaika Serrano, and Dziko Crews.
It was great seeing everyone decked out in this year’s color themes of copper, cinnamon, burnt orange, warm rich yellows, and more – and of course sparkling with our requisite WOW ‘bling’ jewelry, bangles, and sparkles. Check out some photo souvenirs on our Meetings Tab May 23 Photos (Meetings – WOMEN OF THE WORLD (wow4wos.org) and check back in the coming weeks for more photos.
We had a wonderfully diverse group of 51 WOWs from DC, across the U.S., and based around the world including Albania, Belgium, Brazil, Guatemala, India, Kuwait, Malawi, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Singapore, and the UAE.
And congratulations to Jessica Sandberg for winning this year’s WOW raffle!
In closing for today, here’s a quote shared by WOW Megan Norton who couldn’t join us last month. It seems to capture much of the WOW spirit: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”. Maya Angelou
Warm WOW hugs to all and have a great summer.
Evelyn Levinson
Founder, www.wow4wos.org TM